Tuesday, February 28, 2012


  by ksfmandeng

  by ksfmandeng

Every couple of days our outer windows ice over,  I love the way it looks.


  by ksfmandeng
, a photo by ksfmandeng on Flickr.
I love walking around the islands and discovering the weird and wonderful plants that grow here some look almost prehistoric.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


ice by ksfmandeng

One of my favourite things about winter on the island is the ice that forms around anything close to the edge of the lake. Can't get enough of it.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

glimpses of january

We have had some snow but overall our (or rather my) first Canadian winter has been rather kind to me.  Have not been stranded on the island so far, although once or twice the waves were so rough that it looked like we might be.